Mission Statement

I have a vision to empower and inform every muslim to provide sadaqah jaariyah to their best abilities. Through thorough, genuine and honest research and connections I connect believers with trustworthy people in impoverished countries, creating direct links between providers and the needy. You can directly influence and see the impact of your donations on local communities. Providing them with the tools and resources they need to survive and thrive.


Sister Maryam - Morocco

An older moroccan woman with no children, she is receiving a monthly donation due to someone's sadaqah (charity donation). She was sharing the money with other members in her family so they could eat and pay their bills. Her whole family received the benefits of just 1 donor who received the rewards. Allah changed her condition so she was no longer in need. She got married and moved to another country. Alhamdulillah

Sister Harjah - Morocco

The Father of the woman was so happy that his daughter was receiving sadaqah as they come from a remote village in Morocco. He said that his daughter was more motivated and it lifted up her spirits. She is a single parent to 4 year old Aisha. She hopes this sadaqah will provide her daughter with all the tools she needs to succeed in life. She is grateful and feels cared for, as someone from a completely different background cares for her and her young daughter.

Brother Musa - Gambia

He was given a water pump enabling him to produce crops for himself and his entire community. The new source of water created income allowing him to expand into purchasing livestock

Local Village - Rwanda

The whole village, and passersby were able to benefit from a hand water pump. On the day it was installed the whole community came to celebrate

Countries & Opportunities

Some ways to benefit communities:

  • Distributing copies of Qur'an
  • Spread Awareness of Islam
  • Sponsor Imams teaching practice of Faith
  • Educational Resources
  • Plant a Tree
  • Plant a Fruit Tree
  • Donate Prayer Mats
  • Donate Hijabs and modest clothing
  • Sponsor Orphan
  • Sponsor Hafiz E Quran Journey
  • Digging Hand-Pump Wells
  • Digging Water Wells
  • Building Latrine
  • Building Public Toilets
  • Feed and Water for Farm Animals
  • Purchase Livestock
  • Solar Power
  • Buy and Donate Land
  • Build a Graveyard
  • Create Green Spaces
  • Create Farmland
  • Building Temporary Housing
  • Building Schools
  • Building Hospitals
  • Building Clinics
  • Provide Medical Supplies
  • Building Mosques
  • Building Orphanages
  • Inventing something for Humanity
  • Teaching valuable skills

We currently work directly with people in the following countries:

  • Morocco
  • Gambia
  • Rwanda
  • Uganda
  • Mauritania
  • Kenya